#elämäkertakaikkiaan #kirjamessut #kirjojaulapalta #naistenviikkohaaste autofiktio avioliitto dekkari dystopia englanninkielinen Englanti esikoiskirja esikoisromaani Gummerus helmet2021 helmet2022 helmet2023 helmet2024 helmethaaste historiallinen romaani ihmissuhteet Irlanti kasvutarina Keltainen kirjasto klassikko kuolema maahanmuutto mielenterveys muistelmat naisen asema Otava perhe perheet perhesalaisuudet rakkaus siirtolaisuus sota suru Tammi toinen maailmansota WSOY Yhdysvallat yksinäisyys ystävyys äitiys äänikirja
© Kirjaluotsi 2018
Gulliver had come down first to breakfast and had eaten a boiled egg. Duncan had eaten fried eggs and bacon collecting them from the hot-plate on the sideboard. Gulliver now blamed himself for having bothered Annushka to get him a boiled egg. He would have liked eggs and bacon better, he now decided. However he […]
”The disappearance of God does not simply leave a void into which human reason can move. The death of God has set the angels free. And they are terrible.””The angels––?””There are principalities and powers. Angels are the thoughts of God. Now he had been dissolved into his thoughts which are beyond our conception in their […]
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