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Kevin Wilson
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Kevin Wilson: Now Is Not the Time to Panic

The edge is a shantytown filled with gold seekers. We are fugitives and the law is skinny with hunger for us. Kevin Wilson: Now Is Not the Time to Panic Kevin Wilsonin edellinen romaani Nothing to See Here kertoi liekkeihin leimahtavista sisaruksista. Uudessa romaanissa Now is Not the Time to Panic Coalfieldin pikkukaupungissa leimahtaa paniikki, […]

Kirjaluotsi HarperAudio, Ulkomainen kaunokirjallisuus, Wilson Kevin, Yhdysvallat 05/12/2022 2 kommenttia 4 min lukuaika Lue lisää
Kevin Wilson: Nothing to See Here

This was how you did it, how you raised children. You built them a house that was impervious to danger and then you gave them every single thing that they could ever want, no matter how impossible. You read to them at night. Why couldn’t people figure this out? And then I realized they were […]

Kirjaluotsi HarperAudio, Ulkomainen kaunokirjallisuus, Wilson Kevin, Yhdysvallat 18/02/2021 0 kommenttia 4 min lukuaika Lue lisää

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