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3 artikkelia kategoriassa
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Raven Leilani: Luster

”I don’t know if I ever liked you,” I say, and bathroom acoustics being what they are, the declaration is magnified and that much more unkind, which makes me feel bad until I see that he is missing a shoe, and I feel it anew, this terrible disappointment in myself that I am happy to […]

Kirjaluotsi Leilani Raven, Picador, Ulkomainen kaunokirjallisuus, Yhdysvallat 28/03/2021 0 kommenttia 5 min lukuaika Lue lisää
Brit Bennett: The Vanishing Half

She was beginning to realize what she would soon know for sure: there was no plan to go back home or to go anywhere else, even, and her mother was lying each time she pretended that there was. The next day, she was sitting alone during lunch when Louisa cornered her, flanked by three beige […]

Kirjaluotsi Bennett Brit, Hachette Audio, Ulkomainen kaunokirjallisuus, Yhdysvallat 02/02/2021 0 kommenttia 5 min lukuaika Lue lisää
Paul Beatty: The Sellout

This may be hard to believe, coming from a black man, but I’ve never stolen anything. Never cheated on my taxes or at cards. Never snuck into the movies or failed to give back the extra change to a drugstore cashier indifferent to the ways of mercantilism and minimum-wage expectations. I’ve never burgled a house. […]

Kirjaluotsi Beatty Paul, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Ulkomainen kaunokirjallisuus, Yhdysvallat 22/03/2018 2 kommenttia 6 min lukuaika Lue lisää

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