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Books in English
18/04/2024 0 kommenttia
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Kotimaisten kirjojen ja käännöskirjojen lisäksi luen paljon muilla kielillä. Eniten englanniksi, toiseksi eniten espanjaksi ja myös silloin tällöin ranskaksi ja italiaksi. Tältä sivulta löydät kootusti kaikki blogissa käsitellyt englanninkieliset kirjat. Arviot on kirjoitettu suomeksi, mutta keväästä 2024 alkaen olen alkanut lisätä niihin tiivistelmän englanniksi. Toivottavasti siitä on iloa niille sivukävijöille, jotka eksyvät kiinnostavan kirjan perässä tänne Suomen ulkopuolelta.

>> Tutustu myös espanjan-, ranskan- ja italiankielisiin kirjoihin

In addition to Finnish books and books translated into Finnish, I read a lot in other languages. Mostly in English, second most in Spanish and also occasionally in French and Italian. On this page you will find all the English-language books covered on the blog. The reviews are written in Finnish, but from spring 2024 onwards I have started to include a summary in English. I hope that it will be useful for those visitors who wander in from outside Finland in search of an interesting book.

>> See also books in Spanish, French and Italian

Books in English

  • Claire Messud: This Strange Eventful History

    She consulted her watch, the watch that would in time be Magi’s. Barely after eight-thirty. Up at the big apartment, at the top of the hill, there would still be the last sunlight, the…

  • Colin Barrett: Wild Houses

    Nicky was going with Doll by then and got to experience the house first-hand. The atmosphere was that of a continuous, continuously improvised party that periodically doldrums and never ended, contending playlists emanating from…

  • Iris Murdoch: The Book and the Brotherhood

    Gulliver had come down first to breakfast and had eaten a boiled egg. Duncan had eaten fried eggs and bacon collecting them from the hot-plate on the sideboard. Gulliver now blamed himself for having…

  • Charlotte Wood: Stone Yard Devotional

    When I think about the phases of my life, it is as a series of rooms behind me, each with a door to a previous room left open, behind which is another room, and…

  • Yael van der Wouden: The Safekeep

    “Tonight was lovely,” Eva said.“Mm,” Isabel said, washing her hands.“I really have been wanting to meet you, you know. You most of all. Louis has told me so much. You live in the old…

  • Hisham Matar: My Friends

    It is, of course, impossible to be certain of what is contained in anyone’s chest, least of all one’s own or those we know well, perhaps especially those we know best, but, as I…

  • Tommy Orange: Wandering Stars

    You will wonder about the name Victoria once you find out your real mother named you that while she was dying and birthing you. Wonder if she was saying the word Victory! out loud…

  • Elizabeth von Arnim: Love

    “I want to know all about everything,” he said.“I’ll tell you anything you ask,” she answered. “But you must promise to like it,” she added, smiling.“Why? Why shouldn’t I like it?” he asked quickly,…

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